PS3.1 |
Balibar |
Stacking fault energy and dislocation splitting in 4He crystals |
PS3.2 |
Haziot |
Evidence for a critical dislocation speed in helium-4 crystals |
PS3.3 |
Mikhin |
Vitrification of Liquid Inclusions in hcp 3He-4He Crystal: the Role of an Intermediate bcc Phase |
PS3.4 |
Mikhin |
The plastic flow of solid 4He through a porous membrane |
PS3.5 |
Tsuiki |
Nature of the Quantum Oscillation of Solid 4He under DC Rotation |
PS3.6 |
Kubota |
Quantum Vortex Physics in hcp solid 4He |
PS3.7 |
Zmeev |
Shear Modulus and Thermal Conductivity of Polycrystalline hcp 4He at Low Temperatures |
PS3.8 |
Ahlstrom |
Response of a Mechanical Oscillator in Solid 4He |
PS3.9 |
Ahlstrom |
Plastic Properties of Solid 4He Probed by a Moving Wire: Viscoelastic and Stochastic Behavior Under High Stress |
PS3.10 |
Krainyukova |
Supersolidity Mimics Superfluidity in Other Scale |
PS3.11 |
Krainyukova |
Rotational, Vibrational and Glassy States in Solid Helium with Impurities |
PS3.12 |
Fefferman |
The distribution of dislocation lengths in 4He crystals |
PS3.13 |
Moroshkin |
Disorder and melting in doped solid helium studied by dopant laser spectroscopy |
PS3.14 |
Sullivan |
Lattice Relaxation in Solid 4He --- Effect on Dynamics of 3He Impurities |
PS3.15 |
Kamada |
Specific Heat Measurement of the Gapless Spin Liquid State in 2D 3He |
PS3.16 |
Yoshida |
4He crystals on an oscillating plate |
PS3.17 |
YKubota |
Search for Supersolidity in Monolayer 4He on Graphite |
PS3.18 |
Nomura |
Falling and collision of 4He crystals in superfluid |
PS3.19 |
Takahashi |
Gravity-Free 4He Crystals in Superfluid at 150 mK |
PS3.20 |
Aoki |
Frequency change of torsional oscillator induced by solid 4He in torsion rod |
PS3.21 |
Isozaki |
Power law behavior of quantum crystallization of 4He in aerogel |
PS3.22 |
Matsuda |
Fluctuating surfaces of growing 4He crystals in aerogel |
PS3.23 |
Chishko |
Macroscopic Density Fluctuations and Metastable States of 3He-4He Solid Solutions in Pre-separation Region |
PS3.24 |
Yamashita |
Gas-Solid Phase Transition in Hardcore-like Systems |
PS3.25 |
Dubovskii |
On the Lifetime of Metastable Metallic Hydrogen |
PS3.26 |
Ahokas |
Magnetic resonance study of atomic hydrogen and deuterium in solid H2 and D2 matrices below 1 K |
PS3.27 |
Park |
Helium Buckyballs on the H2-preplated C20 Surface |
PS3.28 |
Jarvinen |
Dynamic nuclear polarization and relaxation in Si:P at very low temperatures |
PS3.29 |
Babaei-Brojeny |
Enhancement of the magnetic flux in a superconducting system of the multiple thin strips |
PS3.30 |
Ramirez |
Bose-Einstein condensation of collective Cooper pairs |
PS3.31 |
Shin |
Simultaneous Measurements of Torsional Oscillator and Shear Modulus of Solid Helium-4 with 1ppb 3He impurity |
PS3.32 |
Choi |
Observation of NCRI in Solid Helium-4 by using Rigid Double Pendulum Torsional Oscillator |
PS3.33 |
Souris |
Stability limit of a metastable state of hcp solid helium-4 |
PS3.34 |
Konstantinov |
Magnon BEC in RbMnF3 and MnCO3 at a temperature about 1 K |
PS3.35 |
Tsutsui |
Ground-State Energy and Condensate Density of a Dilute Bose Gas Revisited |
PS3.36 |
Kunimi |
Precursor phenomena of nucleations of quantized vortices in the presence of a uniformly moving obstacle in Bose-Einstein condensates |
PS3.37 |
Takahashi |
Self-consistent multi-soliton solutions in Bogoliubov-de Gennes systems |
PS3.38 |
Danshita |
Quantum phase slips of trapped superfluid Bose gases in one dimension |
PS3.39 |
Fujimoto |
Spin turbulence in spin-1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate with antiferromagnetic interaction |
PS3.40 |
Aoki |
Spin-glass-like behavior of spin turbulence in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates |
PS3.41 |
Takeuchi |
Diffusion of Vortices to 'Extra-Dimension' in Tachyon Condensation via Domain Wall Annihilation in Segregated Bose-Einstein Condensates |
PS3.42 |
Ishino |
Instability of Counter-rotating Vortices in miscible two-component Bose-Einstein condensates |
PS3.43 |
Thompson |
Characterization of an apparatus and theoretical predictions for a two species BEC turbulence experiment |
PS3.44 |
Telles |
Observation of anomalous momentum distribution in a turbulent Bose-Einstein Condensate |
PS3.45 |
Kasamatsu |
Implementation of Lattice Gauge-Higgs Model in Quantum Simulators of Cold Atoms |
PS3.46 |
Li |
Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices |
PS3.47 |
Shinozaki |
Elementary excitations of antiferromagnetic spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice |
PS3.48 |
Yamamoto |
First-Order Phase Transition and Anomalous Hysteresis of Binary Bose Mixtures in an Optical Lattice |
PS3.49 |
Sato |
Fermi superfluid on the Lieb lattice |
PS3.50 |
Tempere |
Time dependent Ginzburg-Landau formalism for two-bandgap Fermi systems |
PS3.51 |
Endo |
Superfluid theory of a gas of polarized dipolar Fermi molecules |
PS3.52 |
Tajima |
Spin Susceptibility and Strong Coupling Effects in an Ultracold Fermi Gas |
PS3.53 |
Krotscheck |
Non-Fermi Liquid Nature of the Two-dimensional Dipolar Fermi Gas |
PS3.54 |
Pedrozo |
Two-componet BEC for Studying Quantum Turbulence |
PS3.55 |
Marmorini |
Exact Self-Consistent Condensates in (Imbalanced) quasi-1D Superfluid Fermi Gases |
PS3.56 |
Lutsyshyn |
Variational description of the exchange-driven liquid-to-solid quantum phase transition in 4He |
PS3.57 |
Hanai |
Self-consistent T-matrix approach to an interacting ultracold Fermi gas with mass imbalance |
PS3.58 |
Kobayashi |
Vortex polygons and their stabilities in Bose-Einstein condensates and field theory |