Invitation from QFS2015 (5.6MB)
G. Volovik's Plenary Talk (24.7MB)
Abstract booklet (updated version)
QFS2013, August 1-6, 2013
KUNIBIKI MESSE (English ), Matsue, Japan
The International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids QFS2013 will be held in Matsue Japan. The scientific programme will start on Thursday August 1st and end before lunch on Tuesday 6th August. This conference continues in the long-standing tradition of such conferences from 1975 being held two out of every three years, skipping the year of the International Low Temperature Conference -- the last such Low Temperature Conference (LT26) was held in Beijing, August 2011. The last QFS2012 was held at Lancaster UK.
The Quantum Fluids and Solids conference is an international symposium devoted to traditional topics of liquid and solid 4He, 3He, 3He-4He mixtures, hydrogen, and trapped atomic gases, and other systems, such as QFS topics in magnetism and superconductivity, strongly correlated condensed systems, condensed-matter systems at the quantum limit, QFS model systems in cosmology, hydrodynamics and HEP. Emphasis is also given to novel experimental techniques developed at low temperatures.