Deadline for receipt of abstract: 15 June 2013
1. To download the files needed to prepare your abstract:
Download the style file QFS2013abs.sty and the example template file einstein_QG_theory.tex. Both files and these instructions are also available in a single zipped file.
2. To prepare your abstract LaTeX file
a. Use the template to generate the LaTeX file for your abstract. Simply replace the text of the template by your own text. Follow the instructions given in the template.
b. The maximum space for your text is limited. To check the space available and the length of your text, make a frame box by uncommenting (deleting the % symbol) from the \MakeFrametrue line. When the text fits within the frame, replace the % symbol in front of the \MakeFrametrue line and recompile.
c. Select a sorting category for your abstract. The sorting categories and codes are found in the example template file, and also listed below. Uncomment (by deleting the % symbol) only one of the sorting codes, as in the example template file.
d. Add a few key words as instructed in the template file.
e. Indicate if the abstract is for an invited talk/paper as instructed in the template file.
f. Please check that your LaTeX file leads to a proper PDF document by compiling it using the style file QFS2013abs.sty. An error will occur if the abstract is too long but you can just hit return to continue compiling to see how much text has to be trimmed.
3. Rename your abstract LaTeX file and the resulting pdf in the form:
last name of first author_sorting code_theory or expt.tex [or as .pdf as appropriate] to indicate the sorting category and whether the abstract is mainly a theoretical or experimental contribution. For example : einstein_QG_theory.tex
4. Email the LaTeX file and the pdf as attached documents to qfs-abstract@qfs2013.riken.jp
The subject of your e-mail should be: Abstract: last name of first author_sorting code_theory or expt For example, the subject of the mail would be : Abstract: Einstein_QG_theory.
5. Within a few days, we will send you an email to acknowledge receipt of your abstract.
QFS2013 sorting codes and categories
QG | Quantum gases |
QF | Quantum fluids |
QS | Quantum solids |
VT | Vortices & turbulence |
LD | Low dimensional and confined systems |
DV | Devices |
TC | Techniques |
OT | Other topics and model systems |
If you have any questions please e-mail qfs-abstract@qfs2013.riken.jp with Subject: Information request.